Friday, October 16, 2009

Customized Postcards from UPrinting {Review & Giveaway}

{This giveaway is now closed. Thanks to those who entered!}

As well as pondering the need of birthday cards for kids, another thing that has been in my mind from Big Sister E's Rock Star Party is that of sending thank you cards. My mom raised me with the idea that you always take the time to send a handwritten thank you card after receiving gifts and that quality is something that I plan on passing to my children.

I'm not claiming that I have always enjoyed writing a note of thanks (particularly after receiving new baby gifts when Big Sister E was born. I just wanted to take a nap instead) but, in the end, I always felt good about it. Appreciation is an important thing and I want to raise Big Sister E and Little Sister B to know that people gave them presents (whether for their birthday, the holidays or something else) because they care. Sure, you can say thank you to them in person or on the phone, but who wouldn't love a card really expressing gratitude?

You can walk into any number of stores and find thank you cards in a wide variety of styles and genres for kids or adults that are just fine. But what if you got this one?

Just a thought. It'd be great to send out for pretty much anything, though!

Along with all of the other great items that has, they offer a great way to personalize your own postcards in almost any size or style! Whether you are getting ready to send out Holiday cards or promotions about your Etsy shop, UPrinting postcards are a unique and creative way to create customized postcards to perfectly suit your needs.

I especially love that UPrinting allows you to start with a blank canvas and use your design skills or they have a huge gallery of templates to give you a starting point.

Insert a picture of your own family and you're all set for the holidays!

What a great way to advertise your store!

I like the thank you card design that I came up with, but I think I might go through the templates UPrinting offers to see what else I can come up with. And, due to the generosity of

One lucky person will win 100 postcards* (a $50+ value) of their own!

To enter to win your 100 postcards*: Tell me how you would use the postcards if you won. Do you have an idea already? Please do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile. I have to have a way to contact the winner.

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry)
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway. See the list on the top of my right sidebar - there are some really great ones going on right now and coming up!
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

#Win 100 personalized postcards #giveaway @thxmailcarrier from @uprinting! Millions of possibilities! Ends 10/28

2 Extra Entries per follow method (leave 2 separate comments for each type) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect (see sidebar), subscribe to my RSS feed or subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email.
3 Extra Entries (leave 3 separate comments) if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries (leave 3 separate comments) if you blog about this giveaway, linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier as well as Please leave an address where it can be found.

*Postcards will be 4" x 6," printed on 14pt cardstock gloss and have full color on both sides. This giveaway includes FREE UPS Ground Shipping in the USA. Canadian residents are required to pay shipping fees and taxes.

Giveaway will end on October 28th at 11:59pm CST. The winner will be chosen by and announced here as well as emailed. The winner will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. Prize will be awarded by coupon code on November 6th, 2009. Giveaway open to U.S. and Canadian residents only.

A big thank you to for providing me with 100 postcards of my own, as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. For me, I'm planning on creating some great thank you cards... after I finish looking through all of the design templates that you offer to get more cool ideas!


rb109972 said... 1

I would use them to send out the invite to our family reunion. Thanks for the chance

KR said... 2

I teach kindergarten. I joined a postcard exchange. These would be great!


Heather @ Girl Gone Mom said... 3

I'd probably use these to create invitations to Emma's first birthday party. Thanks for the giveaway!

Heather @ Girl Gone Mom said... 4

Your button is on my blog! #1

Heather @ Girl Gone Mom said... 5

Your button is on my blog! #2

Heather @ Girl Gone Mom said... 6

Your button is on my blog! #3

Heather @ Girl Gone Mom said... 7

tweetin' it

Heather @ Girl Gone Mom said... 8

blog follower!

Heather @ Girl Gone Mom said... 9

blog follower #2

Heather @ Girl Gone Mom said... 10

feed subscriber!

Heather @ Girl Gone Mom said... 11

subscriber #2

Heather @ Girl Gone Mom said... 12

entered chic monkey giveaway!

Heather @ Girl Gone Mom said... 13

entered Bug & Boo

Heather @ Girl Gone Mom said... 14

entered uprinting stickers giveaway

KayeDean said... 15

I would use them to send out invitations to our anniversary party this year.

KayeDean said... 16

I follow you on Twitter as LMsmeemaw and I tweeted -

KayeDean said... 17

I follow you with Google Friend Connect and I am a subscriber.
sandym204 @ gmail dot com #1

KayeDean said... 18

I follow you with Google Friend Connect and I am a subscriber.
sandym204 @ gmail dot com #2

KayeDean said... 19

#1 I have your button on my blogroll -

KayeDean said... 20

#2 I have your button on my blogroll -

KayeDean said... 21

#3 I have your button on my blogroll -

aajacques said... 22

I would use these for my personal shopping business.

Sonya Cocherell said... 23

I would use them to enter snail mail sweeps. Thanks!

Nicole @ Chic and Cheap Nursery said... 24

i would use the postcards to advertise my online magazine about nurseries that i will be launching soon!

Nicole @ Chic and Cheap Nursery said... 25

i follow you!

Nicole @ Chic and Cheap Nursery said... 26

i follow you!

Nicole @ Chic and Cheap Nursery said... 27

i have your button!

Nicole @ Chic and Cheap Nursery said... 28

i have your button!

Nicole @ Chic and Cheap Nursery said... 29

i have your button!

Mami2jcn said... 30

I would have Christmas cards printed, featuring my 3 kids.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Mami2jcn said... 31

Got your cute button!


Mami2jcn said... 32

Got your cute button!


Mami2jcn said... 33

Got your cute button!


Mami2jcn said... 34

Blogged about this:


Metal Momma said... 35

i would use them for my photography business as handouts.

aimee said... 36

I would use them to promote our neighborhood association.

athrahans at hotmail dot com

Donnetta said... 37

I would use them for holiday cards!

Donnetta said... 38

I subscribe via email. #1

Donnetta said... 39

I subscribe via email. #2

Donnetta said... 40

I follow with google friend. #1

Donnetta said... 41

I follow with google friend. #2

Donnetta said... 42

I entered the UPrinting sticker giveaway.

smdrm said... 43

I would use the postcards to enter sweepstakes to win more prizes.

Marie said... 44

I would use it for the upcoming holiday and send it to all of my family and friends.


Mami2jcn said... 45

Google friend #1

Mami2jcn said... 46

Google friend #2

Mami2jcn said... 47

Email subscriber #1

Mami2jcn said... 48

Email subscriber #2

Mami2jcn said... 49

Entered your Bumbo Baby Seat giveaway.

Donnetta said... 50

follow and tweeted

Ashleigh said... 51

I would use them for Christmas cards! I love the postcard idea!

Katerina said... 52

I just finished making save-the-dates, and I would love to print them on these cards.

Katerina said... 53
This comment has been removed by the author.
Katerina said... 54

Blogged at

Ashley said... 55

I would use them for wedding announcements.

navybaby1113 (at) gmail (dot) com

The Thomas Family said... 56

I would use them for Christmas cards.


Katerina said... 57

Entered UPrinting Stickers giveaway!

girlwitharing at

Katerina said... 58

Entered the bugaboo cupcake toppers giveaway!

girlwitharing at

Katerina said... 59

Subscribed to RSS Feed (Entry #1)

girlwitharing at

Katerina said... 60

Subscribed to RSS Feed (Entry #2)

girlwitharing at

Katerina said... 61

Blogged at

(Entry #2)

girlwitharing at

Katerina said... 62

Blogged at

(Entry #3)

girlwitharing at

alwayshopeful said... 63

I would use a fav pic of mine for christmas cards!
thank you

alwaysatryin at

alwayshopeful said... 64
follow n twittred you
alwaysatryin at

alwayshopeful said... 65

email subber
alwaysatryin at

alwayshopeful said... 66

follow blog alwayshopeful
alwaysatryin at

alwayshopeful said... 67

follow blog alwayshopeful
alwaysatryin at

alwayshopeful said... 68
blogged ya
alwaysatryin at

alwayshopeful said... 69
blogged ya
alwaysatryin at

alwayshopeful said... 70

rss subber
alwaysatryin at

alwayshopeful said... 71

rss subber
alwaysatryin at

alwayshopeful said... 72

cupcake topper entered giveaway
alwaysatryin at

alwayshopeful said... 73

entered sticker giveaway
alwaysatryin at

alwayshopeful said... 74

Kokopax Classic Carrier.
alwaysatryin at

alwayshopeful said... 75

Bumbo Baby Seat from
alwaysatryin at

Mijal Photography said... 76

I would use the postcards as advertising for our company.

Mijal Photography said... 77

entered Uprinting sticker giveaway

Mijal Photography said... 78

entered Kokpax Carrier giveaway

Mijal Photography said... 79

entered Bumbo seat giveaway

masonsgranny59 said... 80

I would have a family Christmas card printed:)

Brandi said... 81

I would like to use these as Thank You Cards--and the ones you designed are so cute. Get those for sure!!

Jason said... 82

I would make cards for my department

toupence (at) g mail (dot) com

Bombtastic Belle said... 83

I'd send them out as "hey, how are you?" cards since we have no family here and write a lot of people back home - who doesn't love getting snail mail?

Bombtastic Belle said... 84

i entered the kokopax giveaway

Bombtastic Belle said... 85

i entered the bumbo giveaway

Bombtastic Belle said... 86

i entered the your picture book giveaway

Bombtastic Belle said... 87

i entered the sprout giveaway

Egare1 said... 88

I'd use these as birth announcements for my little one!

mchavez718 said... 89

I would use these as holiday business post cards.

degood said... 90

I would use them to promote a charity auction I am involved with. I would put the logo on the front, and the info on the back and mail them to people I think would be interested in the event.

degood said... 91

I entered the uprinting sticker giveaway.

degood said... 92

I follow your blog 1

degood said... 93

I follow your blog 2

degood said... 94

I subscribe to your rss feed 1

degood said... 95

I subscribe to your rss feed 2

Maria said... 96

i'd make my family's holiday cards.
thank you!

Anonymous said... 97

Like to or all. thanks

chazvgo said... 98

I would use them for our Christmas Card this year :)

pms3237 said... 99

I would use them for my gift basket business clients

pms3237 said... 100

I would use them for my gift basket business

susansmoaks said... 101

i would use them as Christmas cards

susansmoaks said... 102

follower #1

susansmoaks said... 103

follower #2

Cindy said... 104

Christmas Cards!

Gabriel S-J. said... 105

I would have Christmas cards printed.

Brian E. said... 106

Thanks for the giveaway…We would use them for Xmas & New Year’s party invites.

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

cman said... 107

Christmas cards :)

lilyk said... 108

I would use the postcards as birthday cards.

lilyk said... 109

I subscribed by email. #1

lilyk said... 110

I subscribed by email. #2